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«  Май 2008  »

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    Главная » 2008 » Май » 16 » Super Foxboro shows in Oakland
    Super Foxboro shows in Oakland
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    Super Foxboro shows in Oakland
    At The Stork Club, Oakland, 15-05-2008

    Вчера вечером стартовало супер мега мини турне FHT , начало положили южно - американским туром , концертом в Oakland !!! К полудню в день концерта собралось уже около 100 человек. Попасть на концерт было проще чем описывались раньше различные источники , в том числе и администрация клуба. Концерт начался в 8 вечера по местному времени , играли 3 команды , FHT вышли последними к 11 вечера , сыграли все 13 песен с альбома, затем Supermodel Robots(The Network) и Blood, Sex & Booze !!!

    Немного о том как же выглядят FHT... Billie Joe был одет как сутенер , длинное пальто, черная рубашка, много ожерелий , цепи , темные очки  и светлые волосы %) Майк и Тре придерживались стилю аля мы все сутенеры , на Тре была надета леопардовая рубашка, на Майке белый пиджак , который он снял к концу концерта. Еще можно отметить то что Билли не играл на гитаре во время концерта , по крайней мере видно по фотографиям , по обеим сторонам сцены стояли гитаристы , справа Джейсон...

    Один из тех кто побывал на концерте приехала из самой Ирландии чтобы лицезреть сея шоу , ей удалось встретить Billie, Adrienne и Tre ! Так же она упомянула о отзывах , насколько все было искренне и воистину щедро, также о том что мистер Tre облизывал её волосы :-D

    Yeah every single Foxboro song, it was great! Now for my extremely exciting news; I MET THE BAND! (Well everyone of them apart from Mike). I am in such a daze so forgive me if I make loads of typos etc. My friend and I were just about to leave when we seen Adrienne outside in the backstage area. A few fans were walking into the area without being stopped so we went in too. Adrienne was talking to a few fans so i turned around and saw Billie Joe walking towards her! I was surprisingly calm at this point. Adrienne congratualted Billie on the show and they talked about it for a while then kissed for like...years. I didn't want to interrupt their kiss so waited until they were finished and then went to say Hi. Billie Joe was taking to someone else so I said Hi to Adrienne and told her we had came from Ireland. She assumed we came the whole way just to see the show (and we didn't let her think differently as this got us major brownie points!). She told us we were crazy and that it was so sweet of us to do that. She said Ireland was one if her and Billie Joe's favourite countries and that they have friends in Dublin with whom they stay with about once a year! She grabbed Billie Joe and told him that we came from Ireland to see the show-he was so surprised and gave me a big hug and kiss 9I do not know how i didn't faint at this point). We got talking to him for like 20 minutes! He asked us all about Ireland and we got talking about Belfast-he told us he first visited there when he was 19 and thought it was a 'gnarly' place. He posed for like 2-3 photos for us with no problem at all-Adrienne took them all and I didn't even ask her to! They both are the sweetest, nicest people ever. Then they asked us to come to the show tomorrow night!!!!! How cool is that! Billie Joe was like 'since you came the whole way over you have to join us in Crockett tomorrow night!' We even gave us directions and he got really excited and told us that it was right beside his old high school. When we were leaving, Billie Joe gave us both big hugs and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then i gave him a kiss on the cheek! He said that he would see us tomorrow night and I told him that he better come say hi-he said he would! Adrienne gave us hugs and said she would see us in Crockett. We waked through the bar area and saw Tre. By this stage, word got out that two girls came all the way from Ireland to see the show so he was walking around going 'Where are the chicks from Ireland?' He told us he loved the country and then posed for a few photos. He then started to lick our hair!?! He was nice but was kinda in a hurry to get back to drinking. I think Billie Joe would've talked to us for longer...it was me who ended the conversation (yeah I can't believe I did that either!). By this stage a lot of fans were gathered in the backstage area and Billie Joe was taking the time to talk to everyone. Really down to earth guy. Mike left pretty much straight away with his girlfriend so I didn't see him. I feel like I've just had a dream, seriously, i'm pinching myself! I never dreamed in a million years something like this would happen! So so so happy

    Leanne / hardtoconcentrate  

    Категория: Green day | Просмотров: 1176 | Добавил: Mr_ByBrits | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 151 2 »
    15. Mineev  [Материал]
    Ой, благодарю

    14. Пенкин  [Материал]
    Огромный респект!

    13. Silvestrov  [Материал]
    Спасибо, очень благодарен!

    12. Алексей  [Материал]
    а у меня нету возможности летать, надеюсь что приедут в Москву

    11. aksu  [Материал]
    настюша полетишь)

    10. Дима (famouslastboy)  [Материал]
    незнаю что на него нашл huh huh huh huh о?

    9. Игорь (FREEDOM)  [Материал]
    аудиозаписи концертов новых есть? или видео? )

    8. Денис (Sk8Punk)  [Материал]
    Прикид у них неочень dry

    7. настюша (greendayka)  [Материал]

    6. asюta  [Материал]
    Уря!! Билька побрился! А че одежка у него довольно таки прикольная, хотя и непривычно таким видеть.. smile Как бы я хотела оказаться на месте этой девушки из Ирландии...эххх cry

    1-10 11-15
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